Medieval Studies
- With Vincent DiMarco. The Middle English Letter of Alexander to Aristotle. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 1978. (Edited text, critical introduction, and notes)
- With Vincent DiMarco. “Noteworthy Lexical Evidence in The Middle English Letter of Alexander to Aristotle.” Neophilologus, 61 (1977), 297-303.
- “The Medieval Art of Letter Writing: Rhetoric as Institutional Expression.” Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Academic and Other Professional Communities. Ed. Charles Bazerman and James Paradis. Madison, WI.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991, pp. 97-119.
Rhetoric, Sociolinguistics, Writing Across the Curriculum and Technical Communication
- “The Context of Classroom Writing.” College English, 48 (1986), 471-479
- “The Rhetoric of a Major Malfunction: The Institutional and Rhetorical Dimensions of the Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger.” Technical Communication Frontiers: Essays in Theory. Ed. Charles Sides. St. Paul, MI: Association of Teachers of Technical Writing, 1994, pp. 43-59.
- “The Two Rhetorics: Design and Interpretation in Engineering and Humanistic Discourse.” Language and Learning Across the Disciplines. 3.2 (July, 1999), pp.64-82.
- “Communicating Across the Curriculum.” MIT Faculty Newsletter 22.1 (September / October 2009), pp. 1, 22-25.
- “WAC Revisited: You Get What You Pay For” The Writing Instructor. December 2011.
Writing Assessment
- “Assessment in Cyberspace.” Teaching Composition [online journal]. November 2006.
- “Information Illiteracy and Mass Market Writing Assessments” College Composition and Communication. 60.1 (September, 2008), pp. 128-141.
- “Problems in Evaluating Four-Year Colleges.” MIT Faculty Newsletter 21.1 (September / October 2008), pp. 1, 18-21.
- “Mass-Market Writing Assessments as Bullshit.” Writing Assessment in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Edward M. White. Ed. Norbert Elliot and Les Perelman. New York, NY: Hampton Press, 2012, pp. 425-438.
Automated Essay Scoring
- “Length, Score, Time, & Construct Validity in Holistically Graded Writing Assessments: The Case against Automated Essay Scoring (AES).” New Directions in International Writing Research, Ed. Charles Bazerman, Chris Dean, Karen Lunsford, Suzie Null, Paul Rogers, Amanda Stansell, and Terry Zawacki. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2012, pp. 121-132.
- “Critique of Mark D. Shermis & Ben Hammer, ‘Contrasting State-of-the-Art Automated Scoring of Essays: Analysis’” Journal of Writing Assessment 6:1 August 2013
- “When ‘the state of the art’ is counting words.” Assessing Writing 21 (July, 2014) pp. 104–11
- Perelman–Grammar Checkers Do Not Work WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship 40:7-8 (March / April 2016) pp. 11-20.
- The BABEL Generator and E-Rater: 21st Century Writing Constructs and Automated Essay Scoring (AES). Journal of Writing Assessment 13:1 (2020)
- “New SAT: Write Long, Badly and Prosper.” Los Angeles Times. May 29, 2005.
- “Flunk the robo-graders.” Boston Globe. April 30, 2014.
- “Is MIT researcher being censored by Educational Testing Service?” The Washington Post, October 24, 2014.